Blog Posts

My Experience with a Content Cleanse Week: Reflections and Lessons Learned

Julia Cameron’s Artists Way – Week 4 Introduction In week 4 of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way, she suggests a “reading deprivation” exercise. This involves abstaining from reading, watching TV,

“Manifesting Mastery: My Journey and Upcoming Month-Long Challenge”

What I have learned about manifesting so far and my experiment to live in assumption

Welcome to my world of overthinking and lessons

Introducing my self, procrastination and over thinking and finding aligned action

My Month-Long Experiment of Living Like a Manifesting Guru

I lived like a manifesting guru and manifested some things immediately while others took long, let’s find out why!

Why I am changing my book from 3rd to 1st person

I was one of the teenagers during the height of hunger games, twilight and its cohorts. I loved to read fast paced novels in the 1st person where I could