A field of flowers next to a body of water

“Manifesting Mastery: My Journey and Upcoming Month-Long Challenge”

For the past while, I’ve been exploring the world of manifesting, and it’s been quite a journey. As someone who has experienced severe chronic depression and anxiety throughout life, diving into the practices of “manifesting gurus” has been both intriguing and challenging. Now, I’m gearing up for a new experiment: living like a manifesting guru for the entire month ahead. But before I embark on this new challenge, I want to share my experiences and insights so far.

What Does Living Like a Manifesting Guru Mean?

Living like a manifesting guru means focusing on the assumption that you already have what you’re manifesting. For example, even if you are living in a tick-infested basement with no natural sunlight, you imagine that you are living in a sunshine-filled, south-facing penthouse. Maybe that’s dramatic, but you get the point.

I’ve been trying to manifest multiple things simultaneously, which has proven to be quite difficult. It’s a constant mental juggling act to stay in “assumption mode” for various desires at once.

beige couch and armchair

Past Successes and Health Transformation

I should mention that I have used manifesting for a couple of things that did work out eventually, some of them almost immediately. The biggest success has been the improvement in my health.

If you’ve read some of my previous articles, you know about how debilitating living with long COVID and POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) has been. It took a full two years to get to a point where I feel I can walk around normally, go on decent hikes, and live almost like I did before the sickness.

During the worst phase, when I couldn’t even walk a few steps due to lack of energy, I would vividly imagine hiking a mountain. Even if I went through phases of not believing I would ever recover or be able to enjoy my life again, I remember doing the visualization every now and then.

I eventually got to a point where I stopped doing it and just accepted that my health is back. Even if I struggle today, I just try to give myself more rest and think it’s going to keep getting better.

orange and white plastic container

The Importance of Belief and Changing Unconscious Patterns

The most important thing with the law of assumption is that you have to have belief. The smaller manifestations have definitely helped me see what’s possible. As many people who follow manifesting know, just doing visualization is not enough. You have to also try to change the unconscious beliefs you have about life or yourself to get the things you truly want.

For instance, if you believe life is meant to be bad for you, it will be reflected back in other ways. That’s a belief I’ve been trying to change for a long time.

Techniques for Changing Beliefs

Things that help you change your beliefs include:

  • Affirmations
  • Rituals
  • EFT tapping
  • EMDR
  • Other psychology modules such as deep brain reprocessing

I’ve tried a number of these before, and they’ve helped in different ways. However, changing deeply ingrained beliefs has been a major struggle for me. I tend to look so deeply into things, taking apart and analyzing exactly how a belief formed, and obsessing over processing stored memories. I now realize this may have actually kept me in the loop energetically.

The Struggle with Old Thought Patterns

As I try to focus on the vision for the future, my old pattern of thinking is even more apparent. In almost any situation, I can hear my brain trying to bring back a past negative situation, wanting to dwell in it. I’m not a believer in being only delusional and positive whilst ignoring the bad. I believe in the duality of life – the bad things help you figure out what’s not making you happy so that you can change things.

But I can admit that I may have been stuck in a loop of focusing on negative situations I felt I didn’t have control over. I like that with manifesting, it makes you feel you have control over things, at least over yourself.

Looking Ahead: The October Challenge

So, this new month is going to be me trying even harder to focus on the vision of the future. I’m challenging myself to live fully as a “manifesting guru” would, really embracing the practices and mindset more consistently than ever before.

I’ll be working on:

  1. Not focusing on the negative that happened in my past
  2. Maintaining the assumption of my desired reality, even when it feels challenging
  3. Addressing and changing limiting beliefs as they come up

As they say, where thought goes, energy follows. Although I should also mention that when your unconscious mind opposes these visualizations/affirmations, you begin to feel really horrible inside. That means you have beliefs that contradict what you’re trying to have.


I think that manifesting, whether you believe only in the neuroscience aspect and/or the spiritual aspect, can be something powerful. Even just the aspect of shifting your energy and mood into a better place through visualization can be beneficial.

So here’s to me trying a different way of thinking for the month of October. I will update you about it next month. In the meantime, I hope you found value in everything I’ve learned so far. If you want to know more about any of the techniques I’ve mentioned, like somatic tapping, let me know in the comments.

Stay tuned for updates on my November manifesting challenge!

Check out the results My Month-Long Experiment of Living Like a Manifesting Guru


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